New HOA Application

New HOA Application

It is imperative to note that once you submit this form, your information will be automatically and immediately be disbursed to the bank and the opening of your account will be initiated. Hence, any errors will take up to 1 month to rectify due to the bank processing center.

This field must be identical to the HOA name reflected in the Articles of incorporation including every comma and period.
HOA Address


This field must be identical to the HOA name reflected in the Articles of incorporation including every comma and period.

Articles of incorporation

Articles of incorporation can be found on - under registration.

Click here to see a sample of "Articles of Incorporation".

Articles of Incorporation *

Maximum file size: 1MB

One of your owners/niegbors will have a copy of the Artiles of Incorporation since they receive a copy at the time of purchasing their condo. It is included in all other documents such as CC and Rs, bylaws etc. Please ask everyone until you find this document as it is necessary in order for us to open your bank account.

Previous management company information:

Do you currently have a Management Company? *
Management company address
if you list the wrong person, there will be delays
if you list the wrong person, there will be delays
if you list the wrong person, there will be delays

Board members - Name and title

Please provide the 2 board members who will be signers on HOA bank accounts who will also be signing the HOA management agreement. Upon submitting this form, each signer will receive an email from DocuSign to digitally sign the contract. Please provide valid emails.


Legal Name as it appears on your ID or Driver’s license

Vice President

Legal Name as it appears on your ID or Driver’s license


Legal Name as it appears on your ID or Driver’s license


Legal Name as it appears on your ID or Driver’s license

Admin Review

Review result *